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Received : 25-01-2022

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Probable treatment options for Covid-19: A brief review

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Review Article

Author Details : Sainath M Nair, Suraksha C Kadam, Yogesh A Jankar, Anuradha Derashri, Sandip G Badadhe, Minal R Ghante, Preeti D Kulkarni*

Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2022

Article Page : 17-26

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Over the last few decades, we have observed several global outbreaks of severe respiratory infections. The current outbreak is novel severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It is a rapidly spreading disease affecting millions of people worldwide as well as birds and mammals also. It predominantly caused respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract symptoms and other mild to very severe clinical signs. Among the countries most affected by the disease are the United States of America (USA), India, Brazil, Russia and France with recording the highest infection, morbidity, and mortality rates. Since early January 2021 many articles have been published on COVID-19. Most of these articles were consistent with the reports on the mode of transmission, spread, duration, and severity of the sickness. This worldwide pandemic has put a challenge to identify the therapeutics for its prevention and treatment. Currently, there’s no specific treatment against the SARS-CoV-2 infection. Based on the different clinical phases and pathological features the various drugs are used to treat. The volume and the pace of the clinical trials launched to evaluate the safety and efficacy of numerous agents reflect the need for high-quality evidence for various therapies to be practiced by clinicians. Thus, this review comprehensively discusses the most critical aspects and overall treatments used for COVID 19, including ayurvedic treatments and vaccines.

Keywords: A comprehensive review, COVID­19, Global outbreak, Pandemic infection, Recent advancements

How to cite : Nair S M, Kadam S C, Jankar Y A, Derashri A, Badadhe S G, Ghante M R, Kulkarni P D, Probable treatment options for Covid-19: A brief review. IP Int J Compr Adv Pharmacol 2022;7(1):17-26

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