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Received : 27-01-2022

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Therapeutics role of spirulina platensis in disease prevention and treatment

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Review Article

Author Details : Priyanka V. Yamgar*, Vikrant M. Dhamak

Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2022

Article Page : 30-39

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Spirulina are multicellular and filamentous blue-green microalgae belonging to two separate genera Spirulina and Arthrospiraand consists of about 15 species. Of these, Arthrospira platensis is the most common and widely available spirulina and most of the published research and public health decision refers to this specific species. It grows in water, can be harvested and processed easily and has significantly high macro- and micronutrient contents. In many countries of Africa, it is used as human food as an important source of protein and is collected from natural water, dried and eaten. It has gained popularity in the human health food industry and in many countries of Asia it is used as protein supplement and as human health food. Spirulina has been used as a complementary dietary ingredient of feed for poultry and increasingly as a protein and vitamin supplement to aqua feeds.
Spirulina can play an important role in human and animal nutrition, environmental protection through waste water recycling and energy conservation. Spirulina is free floating filamentous microalgae growing in alkaline water bodies The present review was focused on the various characteristics of Spirulina platensisSpirulina is rich in proteins (60-70%), vitamins and minerals used as protein supplement in diets of undernourished poor children in developing countries. One gram of Spirulina protein is equivalent to one kilogram of assorted vegetables. The amino acid composition of Spirulina protein ranks among the best in the plant world, more than that of soya bean. The mass cultivation of Spirulina is achieved both in fresh water and waste water. Spirulina grown in clean waters and under strictly controlled conditions could be used for human nutrition. The micro algae gown in waste water is used as animal feed and provide a source of the fine chemicals and fuels. The waste water system is highly applicable in populated countries like India where wastes are generated in high quantities and pose environmental problem.

Keywords: Anticancer, Anti­inflammatory, Antioxidant, Arthospira, Free floating Plantesis, Filamentous, Microalgae, Spirulina plantesis

How to cite : Yamgar P V, Dhamak V M, Therapeutics role of spirulina platensis in disease prevention and treatment. IP Int J Compr Adv Pharmacol 2022;7(1):30-39

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